Why Should You Visit Berlin Concentration Camp?

Visiting a concentration camp is a poignant and sobering experience that allows us to reflect on one of the darkest periods in human history. Berlin Concentration Camp, also known as Sachsenhausen, is one of the most significant camps of the Holocaust. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of visiting Berlin Concentration Camp and provide you with all the essential information you need for a meaningful visit.

The Historical Significance of Berlin Concentration Camp

Berlin Concentration Camp was established in 1936, under the Nazi regime, to imprison political opponents, dissidents, and intellectuals. It served as a model for other concentration camps during World War II and became a symbol of the Nazi atrocities. By visiting this camp, you are paying homage to the millions of innocent lives lost during the Holocaust and gaining a deeper understanding of the horrors that occurred.

Planning Your Visit

1. Location and Access

Located just outside Berlin, Sachsenhausen is easily accessible by public transportation. You can take a train from Berlin’s central station to Oranienburg, followed by a short bus ride to the camp. It is recommended to allocate at least half a day for your visit.

2. Opening Hours and Entrance Fees

Berlin Concentration Camp is open to visitors throughout the year. The opening hours vary depending on the season, so it’s best to check the official website or call ahead before your visit. Entrance to the camp is free, making it accessible to all who wish to pay their respects.

3. Guided Tours or Independent Exploration

While you can explore the camp independently, joining a guided tour is highly recommended. Experienced guides provide in-depth historical context, personal stories, and ensure that you don’t miss any significant areas within the camp. These tours are available in multiple languages and offer a more immersive experience.

What to Expect During Your Visit

1. Exhibition and Information Center

Start your visit at the exhibition and information center, where you can learn about the camp’s history, its prisoners, and the larger context of the Holocaust. The center provides valuable insights into the camp’s operations and the suffering endured by those imprisoned here.

2. Main Camp Area

As you walk through the main camp area, you will see reconstructed barracks, watchtowers, and the roll call square. These chilling reminders of the past evoke a sense of empathy and solemnity, allowing you to understand the harsh conditions prisoners faced daily.

3. Memorial Sites

Berlin Concentration Camp has several memorial sites dedicated to specific groups that were targeted during the Holocaust. These memorials pay tribute to victims based on their religious affiliation, nationality, or political beliefs. Take the time to visit these sites and pay your respects to the lives that were tragically lost.

Important Tips for Your Visit

  • Respectful behavior is crucial during your visit. Remember, this is a place of remembrance and reflection.
  • Dress appropriately and wear comfortable shoes, as you will be walking on uneven terrain.
  • Bring water and a snack, as there may not be many facilities nearby.
  • Photography is allowed, but always ask permission before taking pictures of people and be mindful of your surroundings.
  • Take your time to reflect and absorb the significance of the site.


A visit to Berlin Concentration Camp is an unforgettable experience that reminds us of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust. By paying our respects and educating ourselves, we can strive to prevent such horrors from happening again. Plan your trip, take a guided tour, and honor the memory of the victims while gaining a deeper understanding of this dark chapter in history.





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