Why Should You Explore Berlin’s Artistic Squats?

Are you visiting Berlin and are interested in discovering the vibrant artistic scene that the city has to offer? Look no further than Berlin’s artistic squats! In this blog post, we will take you on a virtual walking tour and explore the fascinating world of Berlin’s artistic squats.

What Are Artistic Squats?

Cultural containers, or Wohnprojekte in German, are empty constructions or any open areas that art enthusiasts turn into studios, homes, community hubs, and galleries. These squats act as one means through which art may be displayed and discussed outside of traditional systems of control and regulation.

Learning About the Berlin Squatters

sadly, it seems that now it has been removed from the creative movement to become an income level issue, so before we start our walking tour it is essential to know about the historical and cultural background of the Berlin squatting. Berlin has an unoccupied structure problem following the falling of Berlin Wall in 1989. At this time artists and activists used the opportunity to occupy these zones transforming it into an art and activist movement.

The Kreuzberg District

this walking tour starts in the Kreuzberg district, which is the heart of active squats in Berlin today. Begin your tour at the Bethanien House, a former institution and present day art gallery. Here you can learn more about contemporary Art, have a look at temporary exhibitions, take part in the workshops or simply rest in the beautiful cloistered yard.

Then, get to the supermarket and go directly to Tacheles, one of the most famous squatted buildings in Berlin while the window is still an empty frame. This huge edifice which has surprisingly cheerful and optimistic graffiti on the wall used to be a department store. It is currently part of art studios, a cinema, a theater, and a club. There is great outdoor art before entering the building – spend some time observing these and be inspired by creativity.

Just a few minutes on foot, you will reach Gӧrlitzer Park; here, there are several squats or Köpi. This substitute community has its own theater, café, and concert house. Despite it being rather small, it is a perfect venue to meet Berlin natives and a first glimpse into the local scene.

The Friedrichshain District

It’s time now to explore the Friedrichshain district, which is actually also an area in the city inhabited with numerous artists. Begin your journey with RAW-Gelände, a depot for train repair more recently turned arts locus. Here they are: clubs, bars, art objects, and, surprisingly, a skate park. Take advantage of the good energy that the environment has and look for more of the gem’s properties inside the university complex.

This will be followed by a visit to Rigaer Strasse, an alley more famous for its previous history of occupation. Taking a stroll along the walls filled with graffiti and tag drawings, continue to enjoy the rest of the squats and different social centers there. Some of the buildings may be closed to the public, however, you can appreciate the peculiar architecture and street art out on the streets.

Tips for Exploring Artistic Squats Safely

While exploring Berlin’s artistic squats can be an exciting adventure, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

  • Respect the space and the people who live there. Remember that you are entering someone’s home or creative space, so be mindful of your actions.
  • Take note of any rules or regulations posted at the entrance of the squats.
  • Be open-minded and embrace the alternative and diverse atmosphere you’ll encounter.
  • Avoid taking photographs without permission, as some residents may value their privacy.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings and be cautious, especially when exploring at night or in less crowded areas.


Visiting Berlin’s artistic squats is an incredible chance to get an insight into the wonderful art world and counterculture. I have seen examples of squats as cultural institutions, street art, historical landmarks, and certainly, the voices of artists. Well, get your hiking boots on, enter the artistic atmosphere and get a taste of the booming squats in Berlin.





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