Was the East or West Side of the Berlin Wall Free?

The Wall divided East and West Berlin from 1961 until its dismantlement in 1989, and became a monument of the Cold War. But which side of the Berlin Wall was one deemed to be liberated? Well let me tell you The History Of Such Companies The Conditions Under Which They Exist And The Experiences Both Sides To Learn It About.

The Divided Berlin

The Berlin Wall was erected by the East Germany to curb the flight of the GDR people to West Berlin. These barriers created an extensive continuous wall – with different variations of wall, towers and various precautions that spanned over 155 kilometers.

East Berlin: Life under Communism

The eastern part of the division in Berlin was a domain of the Soviet Union and the rule was GDR. East Berlin was a socialist state, it endorsed communism and lessen human rights. Sanitary and living conditions were difficult because of the absence of economic growth and consumer goods and state control.

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In East Berlin, the government dictacted all aspects of politics and social existence. The Ministry of State Security which is well remembered as the Stasi was meant for the observation of the citizens ,regardless of the reporting of the information , and suppression of the citizens’ opinions. People were actually petrified to expose their political feelings because they understood the outcome of this would be censorship .

Limited Travel and Isolation

Travel to West Berlin was particularly restricted for the East Berliners. To travel outside of the country one had to apply for a pass which was likely to be turned down, whereas international travel was strictly controlled. This was fertile breeding ground for confinement and helped to contain the outside world was a source of claustrophobia and stagnation in the process of human development.

West Berlin: Freedom and Prosperity

East Berlin however was governed by Soviet and actually represented the socialist states of East Germany while West Berlin was administered by the Western Allies that include United States, United Kingdom, and France and it was the beacon of democracy in the socialist East Germany. The west side was characterized by economic, political and social reforms and pluralism.


People in West Berlin could speak and write as they wished, read and listen whatever they wanted, and could gather in groups. Some of the liberties included; the protection of human rights, support for innovation, creativity, business ventures and individual development.

The Cultural Exchange and Opportunity are two key themes of the study and are closely linked to the major research question formulated above.

As a region belonging to West Germany, the culture of West Berlin embraced success of Western civilization. It cumulated a varied population and it became a preferred place for artists, musicians and intellectuals. It turned into the place where talents develop and people can freely share their ideas with others.

The Perception of Freedom

Some people would feel that West Berlin was much more free than what East Berlin was, however it is necessary to understand that at certain degrees of freedom the non-east Berlin could almost be as imprisoned as the east because the wall had been constructed to remain whole and not break off piece by piece. With true feelings of East Berliners sometimes they were given a chance to get to WCBerlin and experience life in the western parts of the city while others faced overwhelming difficulty and danger.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

November the 9th, 1989, was a historic day after the fall of the internationally famous Berlin Wall. It finally saw the union of east and west Germany and end of the cold war. It balanced the emancipative rewards of the event as this barrier was eliminated, thus making liberal freedoms equally accessible to all Berliners.


In conclusion, therefore, the West side of the Berlin Wall was relatively open to outsiders as a comparison to West Berlin Sammons, (2009). West Berlin offered the political freedom, economical opportunities and cultural interchanges. But it is important to realize that people’s stories were different and for both sides the fall of the wall became the turning point when everyone gained their freedom plus additional opportunities.





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