Tips for Planning Your First Walking Tour in Berlin

Are you going to travel to Berlin and would you like to discover its streets on foot? A guided walking tour is one of the best things that you can try when in Berlin as it will allow you to explore the city’s history and culture and help you to experience some of the major tourist attractions on offer. Regardless this informative article will give you important insights to make your walking tour in Berlin a highlight and fun filled.


1. Research and Plan Ahead

So, here some useful tips one should remember before starting his or her walking tour. Berlin is a huge city with massive interests, and most of the tourist sites are widespread, so it is better to think through the rout. Determine what parts, aspects or subjects you care for most – it may be the Berlin Wall, Museum Island, or the younger district of Kreuzberg.


They are an integration of a tour plan with reasonable sequence of sightseeing that can be followed to see all the selected options efficiently. Also look at the bistros opening times to determine when they open up and when they close so that everyone can make a suitable tour of the museums, galleries and landmarks. Creating a list of places that one must visit will enable him or her to be on the lookout and avoid missing some important place.


2. Choose the Right Tour

Fig tree Germans the additional stitch body microphone debate: There are many kinds of walking tours in Berlin, depending on the tastes. You can find old city walks, graffiti art and murals tours, food and wine tours or simply learn more about the Roman lifestyle today. It will be very helpful to spend some time and read about several tour companies and look at their clients’ feedback to meet your preferences.


There is the question of length and temporal speed of the tour and whether the specific points have been mentioned in the description. It is, therefore, possible for a particular tour to be booked for in advance, thus one should book in advance. Remember to make a confirmation on the language of the tour since many companies provide their tours in more than one language.


3. Be Unformal and choose the right shoes

That being the case, the dress code has to be comfortable, and the feet have to be protected by the right shoes for the several hours that the walking entails. Choose the right kind of dressing code which is light and airy depending on the prevailing climate. It might rain in Berlin, so if needed do not forget the umbrella, or a spare jacket. The more crucial aspect is comfortable footwear to ensure the subjects cover many miles in any terrain. Make sure that you select a good pair of walking shoes or sneakers, especially those that are comfortable since they have been worn before.


4. Stay Hydrated and Pack Snacks

Walking tours are as adventurous as they sound and one should be prepared for the adventure during warmer months of the year. There’s hardly anything as time-wasting as constant rushing for water, therefore make sure you have a water bottle and sip water frequently. As for meals, some items that would be advisable to carry include energy bar or fruits for a between meal’s boost. Always ensure that you compromise on any diets you have in case you intend to indulge yourself.


5. Learn Basic German Phrases

Most people in Berlin understand English but it makes a difference when foreigners try to take time to speak the locals language. It is advisable to memorize a few basic German words such as ‘hello’ which is ‘hallo’, ‘thank you’ which is ‘danke’, ‘excuse me’ which is ‘entschuldigung’. This small gesture will be appreciated by locals and can assist to improve your general impression during the process of the walking tour.


6. Bring a Map or Use a GPS

On the guided walking tour, it is recommended to carry a map, or use the utility on a mobile device. This will help to give you an overall picture and direction of where you are heading as you can track it. This means that for instance, knowing famous buildings and types of streets to look for in the city so that; you can move in the city more fluently even when not on the tour.


7. Listen to What the Guide Says and Don’t Disrespect Them

As much as possible people should be courteous especially to their tour guides and do as they are told to do while in a walking tour. Also, other participants should be considered with reasonable proximity while giving explanations so that everybody will be able to hear and see sufficiently. As the tour progresses ask questions to the guide to make the session more interactive with the intent of given a deeper insight to the visited areas.


8. Try to Rest and Actually Look Around

It is particularly enticing to run from landmark to landmark but then again remember to take a break and just look at the views. Obama underlined that Berlin is famous for beautiful parks and vital squares; it is very comfortable to take a seat and share the mood. On these breaks, one should take photos, taste some of the local food or eatery, or watch people. It is recommended that one should take time and try to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of the city as does a piece as this imply.


9. Don’t Forget Your Essentials

It’s always wise to ensure that you carry along some equipments and materials before going for your walking tour. You should bring a small day bag where you will store your other personal effects such as: a camera, some sunscreen lotions, sunglasses and if the weather changed you will also find a jacket in the car. Please do not leave behind passport/travel documents, identification, and other prescribed medications. That’s why I think it is always good to have all the necessary gear for a perfect comfort and no problems during the trip.



It might be mentioned that now Berlin is a city that provides wonderful opportunities for discovering. If you plan for a Berlin walking tour well in advance, doing your homework about which tour to take, dressing appropriately, and make sure you take enough water with you, then for sure you will be ready to discover all that Berlin has to offer at walking tours. Please ask me politely, do not have to work for a long time, and have to have fun. Using these useful tips your first walking tour in Berlin will necessarily be deeply impressive and informative!






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