Do you intend to visit Berlin and, while getting around, would like to acquaint yourself with the history of the place? On of the places I would urge any traveler to visit is the Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial . Joining a tour within Sachsenhausen will not only offer important historical data about Germany and its past but also let you become aware of the victims and what is going on along with learning from history. Continue reading to find out why it is important to include the Sachsenhausen tour in your Berlin touring list.
1. Learn About the Holocaust
It was established by the Nazis in Sachsenhausen in 1936, in the early regime of Adolf Hitler. More than anything it was a model for other concentration camps and is part of the Holocaust history. For detailed information on what happened during this period, you should visit Sachsenhausen.
About the Significance of the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
Although Sachsenhausen was built specifically for political prisoners, criminals, homosexuals, Jews, and Jehovah’s Witnesses passed through the camp gates during the regime’s existence. The place was very unfriendly and thousands of prisoners complained of hunger, diseases, and beatings. The four zones of Sachsenhausen that are open for tour include the prisoner barracks, the punishment cells area, and the execution zone.
2. Visit the remaining artefacts
Although many of the concentration camps were dismantled by the Nazis at the close of the second world war, Sachsenhausen was mostly retained. Currently it is a memorial complex and museum in which visitors can see the remnants of historic buildings and the restored ones.
The Appellplatz and the watchtowers
The first thing that meets your eyes as you enter Sachsenhausen is the Appellplatz this is the roll call where inmates were paraded each day. The watchtowers which enclosed the square help the visitor to understand the pervasive control served the prisoners’ daily lives.
The World Famous Arbeit Macht Frei Gate
The new gate is the old one, Arbeit Macht Frei, the slave labor injunction of the Nazi concentration camp is still standing. Ideological in presentation, this is one of the gates that give people a raw deal depending on what they are being told once they get in.
3. The side trips will consist of messages of survival and defiance.
The historical facts that a tourist can learn during the tour, cover the stories of some prisoners who displayed courage by fighting for survival and resisting oppression. You will be amazed and touched by their tales of courage, fearlessness and unity as women.
Memorializing the Victims
There are many monuments, memorial and plaques in Sachsenhausen to commemorate the victims of the concentration camp. Created at the place where executions were conducted the Station Z Memorial helps to remember the violence and emphasize on human rights.
- Consult Proper Minded People
In addition to having a first-hand, the experience of the camp, joining a guided Sachsenhausen tour means you will be able to interact with the knowledgeable guides that accompany the tourists on the tours. The sources will give you the necessary information, help to answer your questions, and inspire by personal narratives that will help to get an idea of events that took place.
Recommended Tour Operators
- Sachsenhausen Tours
- Berlin Experiences
- Sachsentours
This will let you have a more meaningful and informative tour because undertaking the tour with well accredited operators.
If you care about the lessons of history and about those who perished in the areas of death camps, you should visit the Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial in Berlin . During the same, you will gain so much while honoring the victims as well as facilitating an understanding that the organizers hope never happens again.
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