Which Side of Berlin Was Free?

Choosing which side of Berlin was free during the cold war: beginner’s guide. It is a crucial aspect of history and in this article the reader will be presented with all necessary information. So, let’s dive in!

1. Background

The division of Berlin can be traced back to the end of World War II when Germany was split into four occupied zones controlled by the Allied powers: the United States, USSR, the United Kingdom and France. Like Dresden, Berlin also was divided into four sectors, all falling within the Soviet zone.

1.1 Formation of East and Berlin

In 1949, tensions between the Allied powers led to the formation of two separate entities: , Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the other part was the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The sectors that were occupied by France, the United States, and the United Kingdom together formed West Berlin and comparable area that was occupied by the Soviet formed East Berlin.

2. The Berlin Wall

The wall in Berlin was separating the city into two in 1961, marking the clear demarcation line between east and West Berlin. It would partition loved ones, buddies, and world for nearly three decades – for what might be termed as the Cold border.

2.1 East Berlin: The Soviet-Controlled Side

The post Second World War East Berlin was ruled by the Soviet Union as well as the German Democratic Republic (GDR). It was compliant with communism and was defined by a centrally controlled market and limited civil liberties.

2.2 West Berlin: The Allied-Controlled Side

West Berlin was administered by the United States, United Kingdom, and France with the entire area constituting East Germany being a communist country. The island grew the symbol of liberty, and a model of everything Western that stood out in the sea of communism.

3. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

In November 1989 after months of civil uprising, the Berlin Wall collapsed to signal the reunification of Berlin. This historic event paved way to political and social revolution in Germany and the reunification of the East and West Germany on October 3, 1990.

4. Legacy and Reunification

The breaking down of the Berlin Wall, and consequently the German reunification were dramatic shifts. Today Berlin is a united city which represents a perfect example of unity itself with historical and modern buildings as well as with active cultural life.

4.1 Berlin as a Reunified City

After the reunification the situation in the city changed a lot and Berlin became an actively growing and developing city. It has transformed into the arts, technology, and startup activities’ incubator. With attractions like Checkpoint Charlie, Brandenburg Gate and Berlin wall memorial, the guests get the opportunities to know the history of the division.

4.2 Remembering the Past

However an incredible transformation has taken place yet Berlin has not lost its memory of the past. Tourist attractions such as the Berlin Wall Memorial, the East Side Gallery and the DDR Museum are grim social markers of the division of the city but help people understand what life in East or West Berlin was like.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, during the Cold War West Berlin has been an example of the free world which was governed by the United States, the United Kingdom and France. On the other hand, East Berlin was with Soviet influence and was a part of the German Democratic Republics or commonly known as GDR. It is said that the year 1989 with the demolition of the Berlin Wall was a symbolic break through which Germany and Berlin, that is so alive today, got reunited.

Thus, we expect this article made a contribution to better understanding of the history of Berlin division and reunion. History is a powerful tool that explains why the world is the way it is now to determine what kind of world tomorrow should be.





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