What Makes Gethsemane Church in Berlin, Germany Such a Unique Landmark?

Let me mention that during your travel through Berlin, Germany you will find a number of great sights, all of which are rather interesting. Among these landmarks the people visited the Gethsemane Church which has become an icon. This church has been a center of attraction to both residents of Berlin and visitors for many decades because of this strategic location in Prenzlauer Berg. What would special about this church and that people should consider visiting it? Now let us look at the specifics in regards to the Gethsemane Church.

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Neubaukirche or New Build Church in English, Neubaukirche in German, was constructed in 1889 and 1891 for Protestanten congregation. It formed one of the greatest city development strategies aimed at providing an answer to a growing population in Prenzlauer Berg. The church was developed by the famous architect August Orth, building the construction in the gothic revival style.

But it became a landmark of Gethsemane Church during 1980s and after the fall down of Berlin Gallery. Whiles during this period was a time of union demonstrations, the church was very instrumental in the şarkı passive protest against the East German regime. It became their light at the night for decades and became the symbol of hope to people of East Berlin.

The Peaceful Revolution

During the 1980s before the collapse of the Berlin Wall early in 1989, Gethsemane Church was one of the leading and most significant venues that used for the Non-violent demonstrations. Every Monday evening there were groups of people in and around the church staging prayers, actions and candle light vigils for change in the political sphere and freedom.

The prayer meetings, called Montagsgebete or Monday prayers, were an important part of the Peaceful Revolution that led to German reunification. From this church, the people both men and women, the young and old, the traders and farmers, whites and coloureds, and those who are bound with chains and handcuffs, went out with unity and hope of a better tomorrow.

Preserving the Legacy

Now Gethsemane Church is a vivid example of people’s desire to change something in the world. It is also a historical site as it tells of events of a non-violent nature that transpired in this compound on the social history of Berlin.

When you are at Gethsemane Church do not hesitate to look at how historical the building and the environment is. Prenzlauer Berg used to be an ignored district in East Berlin; nowadays, it is the center of art and people’s greetings. Interacting with the side streets around Gethsemane Church will take you through great places such as friendly cafes, colorful markets and splendid examples of old attractive apartment buildings brilliantly refurbished.

Visiting Gethsemane Church

If you want to go to Gethsemane Church, then it good to know it’s history because it’s a quiet place which should be respected. It welcomes the public and is engaged in service, concerts, and events in running a church.

Remember that you are in a sacred place thus you should not misbehave when you are in the church. Gethsemane church is sacred site with restoration along that line but is also used by its congregation. When inside, be sure to marvel at the stained glass windows and the verbiage that provide the cultural flavor of that era.

Again, remember that Gethsemane Church occupies a neighborhood and the people living in Jordan are very religious, so it is best to be courteous of our neighbors and avoid loud talking or causing a large ruckus as we examine the grounds surrounding the church.

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Sunday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM


However, it is necessary to pay attention that maybe the church has different working hours during celebrations or other occasions and therefore it is recommended to follow ther official web-site.

Getting There

The church of Gethsemane can be reached by using the different means of transport such as taxi, buses and even by walking for those who prefer a rigorous workouts to the church. The closest subway station is Eberswalder Straße U2 subway line, car/bus/tram routes can also be found near the church.

While using a car might be a great idea, if you fancy going on foot or bike though, Gethsemane Church is easily accessible from other nearby attractions including Mauerpark and the Kulturbrauerei.


Gethsemane Church to this day symbolizes hope, resistance as well as non-violent protests of Berlin people. This place opens you opportunity to accept actuality and feel the pulse and energy of the people who struggled for a better tomorrow. If visiting Berlin, one must not miss out on Gethsemane Church as well as the energetic Prenzlauer Berg district full of history and today’s energy.





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