What is the significance of the Ishtar Gate in Berlin, Germany?

If ever the topic of historical monuments in Germany comes to mind, the first things that would probably come to mind are the Berlin Wall or Brandenburg Gate. Worries not well-known, have you ever came around the Ishtar Gate?

Ancient Wonder Reincarnated

The Ishtar Gate was one of the eight gates that exposed ancient city of Babylon, which was built initially. Constructed under King Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century B.C.E., it has been as the gateway to the inner city center of Babylon and associated religious with Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love, war, and sex.

While the original gate is approximately more than thousands of kilometer away from the present location, one can see a replica here in Berlin Germany.

German researchers present findings about the Gate in Berlin

A copy of the Ishtar Gate can be seen inside the Pergamon Museum, on the island of Museums in Berlin. The museum hosts a vast number of collections of archeological significance and thus the Ishtar Gate is one of the literally outstanding pieces.

When you’ll enter the premises of the museum, you’ll be immediately transferring to Babylonian times. Visitors are greeted by the monumental, historic Ishtar Gate which serves as the guide throughout the whole exhibit.

The Symbolism and Design

The Ishtar Gate is blue glazed bricks which are used with finer animal reliefs of lions, bulls as well as dragons. The myths connected with these reliefs are also meaningful and are represented by concrete gods.

Another interesting detail is that the gate recreates the appearance of Mount Mashu – a holy place. According to legend this mountain was considered as the interface between the people and the gods, in the mythologies of ancient Mesopotamia.

In Babylon’s great gate, an eastern gate, known as the Ishtar Gate, you are ready to grasp the investors and the together arts of this antique civilization. It is actually fascinating to watch.

The Process of Recreation

The recreation of the Ishtar Gate was a time-consuming exercise making it necessary to conduct historical research and artistry. The project of the ziggurat was first started early in the twentieth century by a German archaeologist by the name Robert Koldewey. He dug the original gate in Babylon and even went to the extent of mapping the gate without omission.

Based on the information which was received from the archeological digging, a group of specialists reconstructed the gate using the materials that are characteristic for the specified period. They incorporated the blue-glazed bricks; the hand-painting of reliefs; even the techniques adopted were old-school in the midst of the grand architectural tour de force.

Preserving History

It is very important to preserve such treasures like on Ishtar Gate and many others. This helps it allows one to learn of the lives, thinking and architectural accomplishments of the early societies that inhabited the region. In such way such extraordinary creations are important to have access of in order to enhance our understanding and appreciation of the past.

Final Thoughts

The Ishtar Gate has been moved to the Berlin, Germany and it shows that Babylonians were indeed a very skilled civilization when it came to artist work. It is a chance to see beauty of art and meaning that formerly adorned the great city of Babylon.

Therefore it is my advice: if you ever get to Berlin, go through time travel and wander through the history and mystery of the Ishtar Gate. You won’t be disappointed!





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