Exploring Berlin’s Famous Figures: A Statues and Monuments Walking Tour

Did you ever think about the great personalities whose figures are depicted at the statues that dot various places in Berlin? Come for separate walk when we will reveal the history of famous people and the history of Berlin for you.


The Brandenburg Gate

As our walking tour starts, we have the Brandenburg Gate in which this city is internationally recognized. Built in 1791 this Neoclassical memorial was used as unification symbol of West and East Germany during the Cold War period. Measuring more than 26 meters in height the Brandenburg gate is topped with a statue called the Quadriga that is the goddess Victoria.


Pro Tip:

If you have to visit the Brandenburg Gate, do it in the evening when everything is enlightened; this creates an excellent view, and you will see some excellent shots for pictures.


The Holocaust Memorial

The tours next lead us to the Israel Holocaust Memorial, dedicated in memory of all the lives that perished during the holocaust. The sad installation comprises of an assortment of 2,711 concrete blocks of different heights, which construct a labyrinthine structure with intent of confounding and reflecting. Spend some time exploring the memorial and think about the facts of history.


Pro Tip:

Visitors may wish to take an organized tour when visiting the Holocaust Memorial in order to get more understanding about the background facts and people related to it.


The Ampelmann

Of course, you cannot go for a walking in Berlin without noticing the Ampelmann – the pedestrian traffic light figure. This fictional, funny green and red cartoon character wearing a hat and with the round belly was somewhat created in East Germany and has become the somewhat unofficial mascot of this city. There are statutes, trinkets, and an entire store lined with the likeness of the famous Ampelmann.


Pro Tip:

Anyways, you can buy an Ampelmann to avoid forgetting your Berlin tour.


The Victory Column

The last stop on the map of this walking tour is the Victory Column or as it is called in Germany – Siegessäule. This fabulous monument was built to celebrate the earning of Prussian military prowess in the nineteenth century. Follow the column’s spiral staircase and you get a beautiful view of the city of Berlin.


Pro Tip:

It is a great idea to have a camera with you in order to take pictures of Berlin’s skyline seen from the top of the Victory Column.



Taking statues and monuments tour in Berlin as a mean of choosing the city’s representative personalities will turn to be an excellent way of experiencing the culture of the city. The Brandenburg Gate, the Holocaust Memorial, the quirky Ampelmann, the view from the Victory Column – each of the sightseeing stops on this trip reveals some truth about Berlin. Well therefore, step in their foot prints and as you put on your most comfortable walking shoes, let’s navigate through time as we meet these famous personalities.


Now that you know something about Berlin’s history, are you ready to taste the history? We invite you to visit Berlin and travel with us back and through time by participating in our statues and monuments’ tour.






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